The simple answer is – Of course not.
Why????, you might say.
So, let’s look at the facts.
It is beyond dispute that it is very unscientific to believe that everything always has been, as it is now.
Just like if you see a car driving at 50, it does not mean that it always has been going at 50.
What we see today is how it is now, not how it was 200 years ago, and much less 5000 years ago.
This is beyond dispute, so let’s move on.
That there was a great flood is also an indisputable historical fact and all civilizations have a story of a great flood, and evidence from it like fossils of corals on the top of the Alps, can be witnessed everywhere.
Yes even the ancient Chinese writing language documents the flood, by having made the writing character/sign for a “boat” - to be “a vessel” with “eight” “mouths = persons” in it!
I.e. Noah and his wife, and their 3 sons and their wives in the Ark.
We know from the Bible that the world before the flood was very different from how it is now.
We do know that it did not rain but the soil was watered from below.
How wonderful – no rain, probably sun all day, every day.
The indication is also that it never was winter.
Another thing that we do know is that people got very old – yes over 900 years old.
So clearly the living conditions were splendid and very, very different from now.
We also know that people sinned so much and did so much evil, that this could not go on.
Needless to say, when a person was 600 years old - having trained himself in sinning for 600 years - he was “better” at sinning than when he was only 50.
Yes it was really bad and “the wickedness of man was increased upon the earth” (Genesis 6:5) and “all the imagination and thoughts of his heart was only evil continually, ” (Genesis 6:5)
So God decided that humans could not be so old, and destroyed the old, wonderful world, and gave us this new – after the flood - world.
In this new world, people cannot live to 900 any longer, so clearly the living conditions now are much, much worse.
We therefore know for certain, that this new world, is hugely different from the world that was before the flood.
The details of many of these differences, we can only speculate in.
But what we do know, is that there are huge differences between the current – after the flood – world, and the previous - before the flood – world.
This means that there is no scientific way for us to decide the age of the earth.
For example, let’s look at carbon 14.
It is based on how it is now.
But as we know for certain, that the old world was hugely different, carbon 14 can tell us nothing about the age of things that are from before the the flood.
The same goes for the speed of light. We only know what it is now, and have no idea what it was in the world before the flood.
And so on, and so on.
Thus we have documented that science is helpless to tell us the age of the earth – only the Bible tells us.
Let’s end this with a couple of practical examples where we all can see with our own eyes that the previous world was hugely different.
We all know that the grass eating Mammoths and lions are found frozen in the permafrost.
Needless to say, lions do not like permafrost, but a warm climate.
Still, in the previous world, they lived in areas where there now is permafrost and no way for a lion or grass eating Mammoths to live.
This clearly shows us that before the flood, the temperature in these areas were warm – whilst it now is so cold that it is permafrost there.
What a difference!
Not to mention that Palms have been found growing before the flood, both in Antarctica and only 500 km from the North Pole, puzzling scientists as this is indisputable evidence for a complete different world.
Palms need both warmth and light – and needless to say, in this new world, both Antarctica and the North Pole areas are much, much, much too cold, and also much too dark for them to stand a chance to grow there.
So before the flood, we know that both Antarctica and the North Pole areas were much warmer and brighter, yes scientists believe that the Arctic “would have looked very similar to the vegetation of Florida” (ABC News - Palms once grew in ice-free Arctic - + )
Wow – like Florida, probably all over the world!
And without any rainy days!
So here we have seen two examples that prove that before the flood, there was a hugely different world - with splendid living conditions.
Thus we have again documented that there is no way that science can tell us the age of the earth - only God can.
God is so good!
Even though people were so evil that He had to give us a new world with much less favorable conditions – God Himself came to earth and died on a cross for our sins so we can go to heaven and be with Him for ever!
Read more here:
Brilliant, thank you!